• 5-book deal for juvenile series
  • 7 titles from 1 author sold to top house
  • Middle-grade novel shopped to Hollywood
  • Signed with agent in 48 hours
  • Optioned for film
  • Novel sold in 3 weeks
  • Nonfiction series sold to top publisher
  • ​Series signed with top agent
  • ​National awards



This service examines the structural and storytelling elements of fiction and memoirs; for nonfiction, the appropriate structural and writing elements. The write-up includes recommendations and runs between 8 and 15 single-spaced pages. This is all narrative; no tables, charts or graphs are used. The rate for manuscripts up to 30,000 words is $2,250. The rate for manuscripts up to 87,500 words is $3,250. 

A baseline review can help you determine how agents, publishers and readers will receive your work. Critical elements related to writing quality, marketability, and storytelling or narrative elements are addressed with recommendations that lift the work to the next level. ​The rate for adult, YA and middle-grade manuscripts up to 50,000 words is $1,500. For each additional 1,000 words, add $100 to the base fee.

Children's picture books, easy readers, and early chapter books are handled with the same approach as the adult developmental analysis. A single picture book or easy reader is $650. Titles intended as part of a series are $785.  
Early chapter books up to 7,500 words are $985. Early chapter books intended as part of a series are $1,250.


When authors don't have the time to create an outline, this professional writing service is the solution. The seed concept is developed utilizing your ideas, goals and message. Fiction is described scene by scene, and includes notations on plot points, narrative arcs, plot turns, character development, setting, and the emotional resonance of each scene. Nonfiction is developed chapter by chapter with detailed descriptions of each subsection. Outlines for a manuscript of standard length (50,000 to 65,000 words) generally run 30 to 50 single-spaced pages. Fees vary depending on manuscript length, category, and other elements, and range between $9,750 and $25,000. 




Editing for content and context requires an understanding of the author's intended impact to ensure that every sentence guides readers toward the mark. ​Between $18.00 and $30.00 per double-spaced page; includes line and copyediting.

Editing English translations requires careful selection of language that carries the nuances the author wishes to convey. Years of experience with works originally written in Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese ensure that your narrative achieves the right tone. $15.00 to $26.00 per double-spaced page.

Line editing works intensively to adjust higher-level language choices, vary sentence structure, smooth transitions between paragraphs, adjust transitions between subsections/scenes, and similar line-by-line elements. The work is tailored to each manuscript, and includes copyediting. Between $12.00 and $20.00 per page.

This professional writing service puts the final polish on the manuscript. All work is tailored to the individual needs of each manuscript. Between $6.00 and $9.50/double-spaced page.

Juvenile projects are edited according to the needs of the target audience and publishing industry expectations. Flat rates start at $595.


This professional writing service is appropriate when line editing cannot address all issues. It is also commonly performed after a written analysis for authors who do not want to implement the recommendations themselves. Includes line and copyediting. Frequently this service is used to trim a manuscript to a specific word count. The final manuscript is ready to send out. Fees are tailored to the work.

This combination approach is used when new text must be added to a manuscript that requires high-level revisions. This professional writing service combines ghostwriter elements with rewriting and is tailored to the needs of each project. Fees vary depending on need and length.

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Ghostwriting is all-inclusive. Laine works with you to develop the idea for the book. An outline is written. Then your project is created. The first draft is revised, line edited, and copyedited before the final version is delivered. Fees average $2/word to $3.50/word depending on complexity.
Articles, short stories and essays can also be ghostwritten. Minimum fee is $2,500. Partial manuscripts can be completed by ghostwriting combined with rewriting and/or book editing. 


Picture Books average 850 to 1,000 words. The target age group is 4 to 8. Minimum fee for fiction: $1,200 Nonfiction: $1,950
Easy Readers
 average 1,500 to 2,000 words. Target age group is 4 to 8. Fiction minimum: $2,000 Nonfiction: $3,000
Early Chapter Books run 7,500 words, around 30 pages. Target age group is 6 to 10 years old. Fiction minimum: $15,000. Nonfiction: $18,500.
Standard Middle Grade Chapter Books average 20,000 to 35,000 words (80 to 140 pages). Target age group is 9 to 12.
Upper Middle Grade Books/Preteen/Tween range from 40,000 to 50,000 words (160 to 200 pages). Target age group is 10 to 12+. 

Ghostwriting, editing, book proposals